Sunday, April 12, 2009

NFA letter of support for Nevada Domestic Partnership Bill

Senator David Parks

Nevada Legislature

Carson City, NV

April 12, 2009

Dear Senator Parks,

I am writing on behalf of the Nevada Faculty Alliance to indicate our strong support for SB 283. As you know, The NFA and its parent organization the American Association of University Professors has opposed for many years any discrimination against citizens by virtue of their sexual orientation. Your bill moves Nevada firmly in the direction of equal treatment for all, a movement that is gaining much momentum nationwide. Thank you for your efforts in this very important area of human and civil rights.

We understand but regret that the requirement for private and public entities to offer health benefits for domestic partners was taken out of the bill, but appreciate that the amendment does allow those many private and public entities in Nevada that already offer such benefits to continue to do so. We will continue our efforts to bring such benefits to state employees in Nevada so that they can have the same level of benefits as public employees in most other states in the western United States.

It is worth noting that about 80% of domestic partner relationships involve heterosexual couples, who for various reasons, such as loss of benefits, have chosen not to marry. You bill will help them, as well as committed same-sex couples, to lead more normal lives and be able to better care for their chosen partner.

Thanks again for your encouragement of equal treatment for all citizens.


Jim Richardson

Nevada Faculty Alliance

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