Sunday, February 21, 2010

To legislative leaders

This morning NFA member - lobbyist Jim Richardson sent the following letter to the legislative leadership of both parties

To legislative leaders:

As you contemplate what to do about this budget mess, please remember that NSHE institutions are down more than 700 positions already from cuts incurred in last year. Hundreds of sections have been cut, limiting educational opportunities even more for students trying to improve themselves and graduate. Workloads have increased for all staff, as we try to manage the enrollment growth that we are experiencing with fewer staff. Further cuts will result in serious damage to program offerings for students, as programs, departments, and even larger units have to be scrapped.

We do not envy you your tough decisions, but pleases keep in mind that dismantling our higher education system will take years, even decades to repair, at a time when Nevada needs better educated citizens more than ever. We need more revenues to offer even a minimal level of services to Nevada citizens, and we hope you will address this issue.

Please send a similar reminder of the importance of Higher Education to Nevada's future to your representatives in the Assembly and state Senate

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